An in-depth guide on capturing / preparing photogrammetry for Unity
We’ve learned a great deal from our recent project with the University of British Columbia (more about the VR project here:
One of our biggest takeaways from the virtual reality project is learning how to capture and prepare photogrammetry for Unity. Currently, photogrammetry is more often used to capture singular objects, particularly objects with large surfaces. The technology has come a long way in recent years and is able to capture these objects rather easily. However, it isn’t so able at capturing large environments and plants despite the growing trend of using photogrammetry to capture landscapes.
There are some good photogrammetry workflow guides online but we found them to be either too introductory or lacking in detail. So, we decided to document our learning experience so that there’s a more comprehensive resource online.
Click here to view the photogrammetry guide for Unity (gdoc).
This photogrammetry manual was written by one of our co-founders, Andrew Lee. If you have any questions, suggestions, or contributions, you can reach us at [email protected].
We hope this document helps you with your current/future photogrammetry projects!
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